Kingdom Academy


Sunday - 10AM Worship Service | northeast kingdom ministry institute - please see our institute page for more information

Welcome to our Kingdom Academy!

Mission Statement

Our Mission at the Kingdom Academy is to reintroduce the body of Christ to the teaching of the Kingdom of God.

We at the Kingdom Academy believe it was the bedrock of Jesus’s teaching. In fact, in the light of Scripture, it is the only message Jesus preached. 

This course curriculum will take you back to God's original intent and purpose for the creation of mankind. It will give you a fresh perspective on why you are here on the earth!

The first four courses will expose you to Kingdom culture and prepare you for Kingdom living.

As we dive in, be prepared to have God open up your understanding to His kingdom and its power for your life and your region.

This first semester we will be focusing on the foundation of "Kingdom Concept": 

Class 1. The Gospel of the Kingdom (1st semester)

Class 2. Kingdom Citizenship (1st semester)

Class 3. The Culture of the Kingdom (2nd semester)

Class 4. Kingdom Faith (2nd semester)

Ever wonder why Jesus said in Matthew 6:33, "So, above all things, constantly seek, look for, search after the Kingdom of God, and His Righteousness, "Then"- all these less important things will be given to you abundantly. (Passion Translation)

We see the wheels turning. So come and find out what you have been given before the foundation of the world!

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